User Agreement

The User Agreement is an agreement between the site administration and the portal users. This agreement comes into force at the moment when the user visits the site. In case of disagreement with one or more clauses of the agreement, the user should leave the site.

The site administration may make changes to the content of the user agreement without any prior notification or address notification of registered users. The new version of the agreement comes into force immediately after publication on the website.


Site description

The site is a portal designed for posting personal profiles and making acquaintances between users. The target audience of the portal is persons over the age of 18. The exceptions are incapacitated adults, and non-adults.

The organization of dating on the site is carried out by independent and voluntary placement of personal questionnaires. The site administration does not moderate the questionnaires, does not check their content and is not responsible for it.

Questionnaires published on the site may contain 18+ content (photos, videos and other data, viewing of which is allowed only to adults). If this content contradicts your religious beliefs, or is prohibited by the legislation of the state in which you are located, or may cause you psychological trauma, you should leave the site. The portal administration is not responsible for any consequences that may occur for site visitors when viewing such content.

Registration on the website

Some web pages of the portal are available only to registered users. To get access to viewing information on these pages, you need to go through the registration procedure on the site. Immediately after completing the registration procedure, users get access to their personal account. It is forbidden to transfer the login and password that provide access to the personal account to third parties

Only the user is responsible for the security of personal data, as well as the login and password to the account. The site administration is not responsible for the security of personal data, as well as the loss or disclosure to third parties of the login and password to the account.

In case of violation of one or more clauses of this agreement, the site Administration has the right to block the user's account.

Information placement

In the questionnaires posted on the site, users have the right to post only those data that do not affect the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. When posting the questionnaire, the user agrees that the data published in it (including photos, contact phone numbers, etc.) will be publicly available to an unlimited number of visitors to the portal. The site administration is not responsible for copying and/or transmitting the data posted in the questionnaire by third parties.

In accordance with the terms of use of the site and the current legislation of UKRAINEportal users are prohibited:

- post illegal data, malicious and pornographic materials, as well as data violating the copyrights of third parties;

- write messages or post any offensive materials;

- post any data of third parties without their consent.

Disclaimer of warranties

Portal users can use the information and other data obtained on the site in any way. The site administration is not responsible for the consequences of using the portal and the data posted on the site, as well as unauthorized copying and / or transfer of data posted on the site by third parties.

The site administration is not responsible for technical problems or downtime in the portal and does not guarantee the continuous operation of the portal.

Copyright holders

Copyright infringing data, The site administration deletes it at the request of the copyright holder.